Over 6,000 Wedding Projects


Since 2018, we’ve edited over 6,000 wedding projects, covering diverse styles like traditional, themed, Indian, and destination weddings. We work globally, matching filmmakers’ styles and understanding local cultures, including editing weddings in different languages. We’re LGBT-friendly and open to any requests.
Below are some favorite examples. If you don’t see what you need, contact us, and we’ll provide a suitable one.

* All examples are shared with client permission. We never publish work without prior approval.

Traditional Weddings

Our traditional wedding edits capture special rituals, heartfelt vows, and ceremonies, creating memories you’ll relive with your loved ones for years to come.

Sophisticated Classy Wedding | Teaser
Colorful Floral Wedding | Ceremony
Cinematic City Wedding | Highlight
Cheerful Modern Wedding | Highlight

Indian Weddings

Vibrant colors, grand celebrations, and cultural richness make every Indian wedding edit so special that our editors eagerly wait their turn to work on one!

Indian & Western Wedding | Highlight
Traditional Intimate Wedding | Highlight
Grand Dynamic Wedding | Highlight

Destination Weddings

We’ve edited weddings from Ireland, Italy, Germany, Australia, and beyond. Each destination brings its own unique charm and beauty to the story.

Luxurious Yacht Wedding | Highlight
Ancient Chateau Wedding | Reel
Scottish Castle Wedding | Highlight

LGBTQ+ Weddings

Our LGBTQ+ wedding edits are filled with pure love, authentic emotions, and unique stories—each one beautifully told and celebrated.

Chic Elegant Wedding | Highlight
Cozy Autumn Wedding | Highlight

Themed Weddings

These weddings are truly one-of-a-kind—you’ll likely never see the same celebration twice, making each edit a unique and exciting storytelling experience.

"The Office" Mountain Wedding | Highlight
"The Office" Themed Wedding
"The Office" Beach Wedding | Full Film
Aviation Themed Wedding | Highlight

Hello, Free Time

Time is your most precious resource, and with our help, you’re about to have a hell of a lot more of it.
Whether you use it to close your next wedding sale, take your kid to piano lessons, or backpack across Europe is up to you.